
Move with Grace

Happy New Year!

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Growing up near Pasadena, for me the Rose Parade is part of what signifies the new year. It’s that moment of clear skies and California sunshine that gets broadcast to the rest of the world. And we know - from our temporary center of the universe - that the clear skies are not left to chance. On those rare rainy Parade dates, it is the Rose Parade Court which has let us all down.

“Princess Power” is what keeps the skies clear for the 5.5 miles of floats, bands, and well-practiced waves.

It can be fun to think about the rituals in our lives, the events that hold layers of meaning or memories, even layers filled with smiles and superstitions.

Sunday may have been January 1st, but it is today - when gorgeous floats and horses start down Colorado Blvd - that it will feel to me like the new year has begun.

On this New Year’s, I wish you rains to nourish your dreams and goals, and ”princess power” to keep the skies of the coming year clear when you need to make progress on your journey.


Move with Grace

Mary Hendra brings curiosity, creativity, and compassion to individuals and teams through Move with Grace. Redefining “play” for the modern, busy adult, her workshops and cohort programs foster self-reflection and build clarity so that you can take action.

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